Test Cases
Test Cases
A bunch / A set of steps to verify whether the software is performing respective functions for a desired output.
A Test case contains below following attributes to make it a accepted Test case.
- Test Suite ID : ID of the Test Suite.
- Test Case ID : ID of the Test Case.
- Summary of Test Case : Overview of the Test Case.
- Requirements : Setups or plugins required to run a testt case.
- Test Procedure : Step by Step guide of a use case.
- Prerequisities : Prior requirements neede to execute a Test.
- Test Data : Inputs to the Software
- Result Expected : Expected behaviour from the software.
- Actual Result : Actual result or the output from the software when tested with the data given.
- Status : Test Status i.e., Pass/Fail/Bug.
- Creation Date : Creation date of the Test Case.
- Executed By : Name of the person by whom the test has been performed.
- Environment : This includes type of Platform, Operating System through which the tests have been performed.
If a good test case is not written or developed the actual performance of the software is under estimated. So, it is important to have a proper set of test cases created. With these, positive and negative test scenarios should also be included which will reduce the risk of errors in the software.
Good Practices for writing Test Case :
- They must be simple and transparent - Easy understandable.
- Clear and Simple.
- Must be easy understandable to the end user.
- Repetition of the test cases must be avoided.
- Every Test case should hold a unique ID, so that any user can be easily referred to it.
- Should ensure 100% coverage of the functionalities are covered.
- Peer Review must be taken.