Introduction to TestNG

Introduction to TestNG

A series on Test Next Generation for complete beginner's

Created by Cedric Beust

TestNG is a Testing Framework inspired by JUnit and NUnit introducing more functionalities for easy use, grouping, prioritization etc.
It is also popular for organising tests in a structural format to enhance the maintainance and readability of the script. Mostly used by Developers and Testers

It has :

  • Annotations
  • Running tests as per class, tests, suite, etc
  • Supports Data-Driven Testing
  • Supports Parallel Testing
  • Supports Parameters
  • Reporting for every failure or sucessful or skipped tests, etc.

Also covers different kinds of test categories such as : Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Functional Testing, etc.


JDK 8 or higher

Execution in three simple steps :

  • Writing business logic for our tests and inserting testNG annotations
  • Adding information like - Class, Suite, Group etc to testng.xml
  • Executing testng